Graphic Checkpoints

Here is list of practical checkpoint questions I use to help evaluate projects.

Concept / Variety 

1. Does the graphic communicate what the ministry/series/event is about with clarity and tone?

2. Given the time parameters, did the graphic accomplish its goal / communication objective?

3. Were there multiple strong ideas presented that could solve the problem? (where time allowed)

4. How do I see the graphic undergirding the mission of this event/ministry?


5.  What are technical issues that need to be addressed? (kerning, formatting, grid, press-ready specs, leading, typography, hierarchy, grammar, etc) 


6. Does the graphic connect with the specific target? (Roughly on a scale of 1-10). Was there any specific or overall feedback needing to be addressed?

7. Is the graphic current to this overall generation?


8. Does the identity feel cohesive across the collateral? (ex. series graphic, stage set, handouts, social)

9. Does it fit within the overall Watermark branding? Where does it deviate (is there good reasoning)? 


10. Did each person in the process prayerfully seek the Lord to learn what He desires for this project and then contribute through their specific role?

11.  What conversations need to happen to help improve the process? Are there any conflict or relational gaps that need to be addressed in order to maintain the spirit of unity?


12. What did I enjoy most about this project? What was a struggle?

13. If we could go back through the process, what could be tweaked? Are there any resources that would be helpful to make the project even more effective? 

14. What did I learn? Where do I still need to grow?

Charla Dixon